Many are eager to know the release date and time of Dr. Stone Season 4 on Netflix in the US. The animated installment titled Science Future, based on the manga series of the same name, features genius boy Senku Ishigami. He awakens in a “Stone World” with a motive to rebuild the civilization, wherein eons ago, a mysterious light frightened humans, transforming them into stones. With the first episode already aired in countries like India, many are eager for its US premiere date and episode schedule.
When will Dr. Stone Season 4 begin streaming on Netflix?
Dr. Stone Season 4 exclusively premiered on Crunchyroll in the US on January 9 at 7:00 a.m. PT. There is no confirmed Netflix release date, but many speculate it will likely be available next year.
The initial seasons took a little longer to air on Netflix from their original release date—approximately 2-4 years. However, it doesn’t appear that the current outing might premiere late, given that the last season came out early compared to its predecessors. Season 3, final episodes, originally premiered in late December 2023. However, it was made available on Netflix on January 1, 2025, making it approx. 12-14 months from the original premiere date.
If the current season follows a similar strategy, the audience can expect the series early next year. For now, the users can savor Season 4’s each episode weekly on Crunchyroll. The release schedule for the current outing’s part 1 is as follows:
- Episode 1 – Ryusui vs Senku
- Episode 2 – Thursday 16th January
- Episode 3 – Thursday 23rd January
- Episode 4 – Thursday 30th January
- Episode 5 – Thursday 6th February
- Episode 6 – Thursday 13th February
The current outing is expected to have 20 episodes. Also, Season 4 will be divided into three parts, of which the release date of the two parts is yet to be known.