Gotta love a Texas ranger with a vocal range!
In the Wednesday, May 15, episode of Walker, entitled “Hold Me Now,” badass-in-a-big hat Cassie (Ashley Reyes) and smokin’-but-maybe-suspicious Det. Luna (Walker Independence alum Justin Johnson Cortez) take a breather from the ongoing Jackal case with a stop at what appears to be Austin’s nicest karaoke bar.
Commiserating about the emotional toll of tracking down the serial killer, Luna opens up to Cassie about how he first found a way to shake off the bad energy: by singing in front of a bunch of strangers.

Rebecca Brenneman/The CW
Now, even though the two of them are seriously vibing, the clip ends before either of them can step up to the mic. Still, we can’t imagine the powers-that-be behind the scenes would stage this cozy lil’ hang in such an environment and not unleash their secret weapon: Reyes’ singing voice!
We all got a taste of her chops in the Season 3 finale when Cassie led the crowd in a number at Det. James’ wedding (the episode that also introduced Cortez’s character), but a karaoke moment would be next level. After all, Reyes is a a classically trained alto/soprano who graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts before getting her start on Broadway. They have to let her sing!
As for Cortez, we’ll have to see if he can hold his own up on stage. But after seeing his arms a few weeks back, we’re pretty sure the man could sound like a barn cat in labor and fans would still swoon.
Walker, Wednesdays, 8/7c, The CW