Douda! Douda! Douda!
Never has one character’s name come out the mouths of other characters than Douda Perry’s name did on The Chi Season 6 Episode 2.
We will discuss events from the episode at length, so if you have yet to watch it, beware of spoilers.

Douda had been digging his talons into Chicago’s finest, and it was heartbreaking to see how money could render someone a god walking among men such that they could murder with impunity.
Douda has gotten his hooks into Emmett, where everything is playing out like it did with Brandon, and we know how that ended.

Douda sees the ambition and drive in the young man, but instead of nurturing it appropriately, he manipulates it.
The hour saw Douda take over every aspect of Emmett’s life, and Emmett couldn’t say no, being the nice boy he was. And even when he tried to, Douda had his half-cracked smile, which he uses to issue threats.
Douda was bad news; everyone who wasn’t under the spell of his wealth saw him for what he was. It was the most encouraging thing to happen so far.
There seems to be an anti-Douda sentiment growing, and when he gets what’s coming to him, it will be the most satisfying thing ever.

Many people warned Emmett about his association with Douda, starting from home when Keisha showed her displeasure with everything Emmett had going on with Douda on The Chi Season 6 Episode 1.
Shaad, who was also dealing with complicated feelings, warned Emmett and Bakari about associating with a man like Douda.
If they didn’t know what might happen, he was the prime example of what happens when one moves too fast out of their lane.
I can’t stress enough how elated I was seeing so many characters try to unshackle themselves from Douda.

Tracy wanted love, but she didn’t need it if it came with strings attached.
Weed will always be in fashion, but it doesn’t mean the business doesn’t come with unique challenges, and like any other business, competition is always at the forefront.
Rob and Tiff found themselves in trouble after a new player introduced them to the best weed they’d ever smoked, making them anxious about the future of their business.
In all fairness, the guy was a Godsend, but he sounded a little too idealistic. Not everyone can grow good weed or has the patience required to do it.

Growing her weed was not a new idea because Tiffany had tried that unsuccessfully, but things were different this time. She had Rob.
Rob knew how bad Douda was and didn’t want to cross him. Growing his weed would cushion him from the blow he would feel when he started waning himself off Douda.
And Doud like to kill niggas for sport. I ain’t even trying to see that nigga bad side.
The new idea saw him visit his mother, and Quentin came up.
Q was also nasty, but even bad dudes have people who love them. Rob might have had an inkling about who killed Q, so all he needs is to find the evidence of Douda’s involvement, and he’ll have a reason to have Douda taken out.

The Chi Season 6 sees Papa, Kevin, and Jake pursue their interests, and while we miss seeing the boys together, it is a good thing.
It has given Papa the time to grow and learn about himself, and he’s at that stage where every religious youth questions everything they were taught growing up.
Stanley: Both of you all need to be worried about your futures and keeping your nose in the good book.
Papa: But you ain’t always done what the good book says.
Stanley: What, you challenging me, boy?
Papa: I mean, somebody’s got to.
His faith had never wavered when he was younger, but as he grew, he noticed the discrepancies between what he was taught and what happened. I call this a reality check.
Papa calling out his dad was a radical act that had a ripple effect far beyond the walls of their house.

It caused Stanley to self-reflect and realize he had been preaching water and drinking wine. So, he resolved to be better.
I have to lead by example. I want you boys to do what’s right, not what’s convenient.
And what would he know? The devil came to tempt him right in his church.
If Papa had not called him out, he might have rolled over and taken Douda’s “donation.”
Bakari had been present in that exchange, and he picked something up. Later at the church with Douda, he saw Stanley living as he preached, and that was a great learning moment.

If Bakari changes, it will be because of Papa and his family. They showed him what honesty and family look like. He had never been part of a family before, and being counted as part of Papa’s family was worth more to him than he could ever express.
Stanley’s act of defiance was another great anti-Douda moment.
In my The Chi Season 6 Episode 1 review, I expressed doubts about the new guy joining Douda’s team, and his actions in this episode cemented that assessment.
He seemed to learn everything Douda did. His behavior was suspicious, even if I couldn’t pinpoint in what way. Something is off about him, and I hope he’s an FBI agent.

The cold open saw Victor meet someone from the past. Renee’s brother was back in town, touting the same story every convict does after a stint in prison.
It might be true he’s found Jesus (whatever that means), but it is wise to take everything with a grain of salt.
How he eyed Tracy didn’t seem like something Jesus would do, but maybe Jesus can’t fix all problems.
How he carries himself in the coming days will determine whether he’s changed.

Extra thoughts
Meeting someone who understands you wholeheartedly is such a great thing. Papa had always felt odd because he was the son of a pastor, and his friends lived different lives than him. Meeting another child of a pastor was magnetic.They clicked on a higher level. Even if their romantic endeavor fails, they will be great friends (that is, if the romantic failure does not wreck them).
It’s nice being around another PK. Most of my friends don’t get me. I’m always saying awkward shit, and because I don’t watch regular TV, um, I usually don’t get they references half the time. I was always an oddball with my friends, too.
I’m hoping for more from Maisha and her storyline. I hated how they cut her performance. But she and Jemma seem to be killing it, right?
Okay, so Kevin. What is going on there? I’m hoping for a deeper dive into the gaming world.
“Mo’ Douda, Mo’ Problems” caught us up with the characters who didn’t get the spotlight shined on them during the season premiere and also teased Douda’s downfall.
It was thus very entertaining.
What did you think? Are we witnessing the beginning of Papa’s rise into religious skepticism? How do you think his story will play out? Do you want a religious Papa or a skeptical Papa?
Chime in in the comments section.
Denis Kimathi is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He has watched more dramas and comedies than he cares to remember. Catch him on social media obsessing over [excellent] past, current, and upcoming shows or going off about the politics of representation on TV. Follow him on Twitter.