Did anyone see that twist coming?! Isabella’s past is more layered and shocking than we thought.
One of her darkest secrets was revealed on Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 5.
This twist is the reveal that changes everything we thought we knew of her past. This is a dangerous pattern or a massive red herring to throw us off the real suspect list.

“All I Want for Christmas” was an Isabella-heavy episode. As one of the leads in the murder mystery and the friendship, essential pieces to the puzzle were answered about this new arrival in Chatham.
I loved that this chapter was essential to the overall story; no scene or moment was wasted.

Do you trust Trevor after his surprise trip to Chatham?
I’m on the fence. Trevor gave off major suspicious vibes, like his arrival wasn’t only about seeing Isabella because he had feelings for her. My gut is saying he had a bigger agenda.
Isabella: I missed you.
Trevor: Yeah? So much you replaced me with that Luke guy. The guy your best friend is obsessed with. I’ve seen that movie before.
One of the best parts of “All I Want for Christmas” is how Trevor and Isabella’s reactions to each other perfectly summed up their history without any words.
It was obvious that they hooked up; he was so possessive and jealous around her. His stares cut deep, and the tension between them was so thick.
If I were hanging around them, I would’ve felt uncomfortable. Surprisingly, none of the other friends called out their strange interactions.

In hindsight, it makes sense why Isabella lied or exaggerated stories and changed parts of her personality. She wanted a fresh start from her past.
Trevor only wanted to see the person he knew from Switzerland. The girl he had fallen for, the girl who betrayed her best friend for him.
You could feel his frustration whenever she said or did something that didn’t match the Isabella he knew.
Isabella: You know, Luke’s fun and all, but I’m not really interested in a relationship right now.
Megan: Oh, are you sure?
Isabella: Positive. Seeing Trevor again reminded me of that, but you two, that’s soulmate territory. Meant to be.
I felt a little bad for him when Isabella tried to manipulate him with her kiss. If he did have genuine feelings for her, playing with his emotions would only hurt him again. However, his surprise arrival in Chatham was a major red flag.
No call? No heads-up? Nope, he didn’t respect her boundaries. That’s not a good sign.
Isabella trying to have a fresh start with Luke in the summer of 1999 had good intentions. She should go for her happiness and explore feelings with a guy she likes.
The question is whether she hooked up with Luke to move on and spite Trevor.
Isabella can do whatever she wants. She’s single, thriving, and living her best summer life. Though, she’s in too deep now with the emotions if it was all a summer fling and a game.
Now that Megan told her the truth, hopefully, Isabella doesn’t keep the hookup from her for too long. The winter of 1999 didn’t seem to have any resentment from the summer fling, but if Isabella kept that a secret, it could be why the friendship with Megan ended.

The Christmas gifts exposed a big underlining tension between the BFFs: Isabella’s money.
Megan is so resentful of Isabella’s wealth. She doesn’t like how Isabella uses her money, like on Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 4 when Isabella wanted to fix the pipes.
Sure, Isabella is learning not to rely on her wealth too much, but Megan shouldn’t keep holding that against her. Isabella grew up in a different world with non-existent parents; money has never been something she’s had to worry about.
The sooner she stops projecting her insecurities on her friend, the sooner they can stop having awkward tension whenever it’s brought up. Ever since Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 1, it’s always been an issue for them.

Could Ned be a new top suspect in Luke’s murder?
There’s something suspicious about him. We don’t know anything about him yet, except that he has a good interest in Megan and is a recluse. Plus, he lives near Luke’s cabin, so proximity works.
Luke: Like, I don’t know. Ever since you got to town, it’s like I’ve been living in The Matrix before. But now, it’s like I took the red pill.
Isabella: That’s sweet, I think?
My top theory is that he is Megan’s hacker friend/tutor.
Someone mysterious has been chatting with Megan about hacking and computers. Ned could fit the bill as he’s a survivalist and wealthy; they might have formed a bond over their computer skills.
And if it weren’t Isabella or Megan who killed Luke, it wouldn’t be a wrong guess to think someone in Megan’s close circle who had secrets would try to do away with Luke. He’s the type of suspect who is equally creepy and mysterious.

Did you feel bad for Isabella, too, when Debbie asked her to leave?
Even with all the drama, it was heartbreaking for Isabella to lose another home. It wasn’t her fault that Rebecca spilled all the details about Megan’s pregnancy, but from a legal standpoint, it made sense.
Debbie couldn’t risk any other secrets making it into the papers. It was a miracle they all moved past the sex tape on Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 2.
Hopefully, Debbie and Isabella can reunite again. Their mother/daughter relationship has been one of the brightest parts of Cruel Summer Season 2. Debbie cares about Isabella like a daughter; they feel like a real family.

Now for the big twist: the reveal of Lisa’s death was shocking! My jaw was on the floor.
I suspected something had happened because Isabella had all the unsent postcards, and how she and Trevor talked hinted that something big and terrible happened. And Rebecca alluded to an earlier disaster.
Isabella: I haven’t given up on our friendship.
Megan: You’re completely delusional. Our friendship died a long time ago, and there’s nothing you can do or say to resuscitate it.
Isabella having plenty of guilt and bringing up Lisa constantly made sense. A death like this would completely change her world.
We need more to the story!
Either she’s the one who did it, or she’s being framed for the crime. (Trevor?) This could be the red herring to throw us off the scent.

Last Thoughts From The Archive:
Jeff’s chances with Megan are done. We knew it wouldn’t happen, but Megan sealed that fate.
We were right: Megan was hacking her grades! Now we know how she got that scholarship.
Megan’s gift to Isabella was so sweet. It doesn’t matter that she didn’t spend much; the thought and work was put into it.

Now, over to you, Cruel Summer fans.
What did you think of “All I Want for Christmas”?
What is the true story of Lisa’s death? Why is Megan meeting with Ned? What secret is Megan keeping hidden from Debbie?
If you missed the latest episode of Cruel Summer, you can watch Cruel Summer online via TV Fanatic. Come back here and share your thoughts in the comments below.
Justin Carreiro is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.