No one really expected Patrick Stewart to be up for a sequel to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Somehow, he’s back, and he might be ready for more. Stewart signed on for three seasons of Star Trek: Picard, despite the fact that he previously said he was done with the character after 2002’s Star Trek: Nemesis. A lot can change in a couple decades, and things changed just as much for Picard himself. And while Picard is now over, Stewart and a lot of the cast and creators of the show are interested in continuing the show in another series, which would be called Star Trek: Legacy.
This season of Picard revealed that the title character’s longtime love interest, Beverly Crusher, has a child. His name is Jack (Ed Speleers). There’s an even wilder reveal, which is that Picard himself is the father. While this is a pretty good cliffhanger to call this chronology on, Star Trek fans may get to see where this goes. As Picard ended (spoilers), Jack joined the crew of the new Starship Enterprise, working under Captain Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan). Picard producer Terry Matalas has already said he would love to make a show about this new crew, with Patrick Stewart also involved in a guest star role.
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Stewart himself spoke with Variety recently about this Star Trek: Legacy concept and whether he’d be a part of it. He said…
Yes. The circumstances, as it was with Picard, would be the important factor in all of that. But certainly, there is a wonderful future for Ed there, I’m sure of it. And if I can occasionally crop up to offer a little bit of comedy myself, then I shall be happy to do that.
The full final season of Star Trek: Picard is now streaming on Paramount+.
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