Along with their weekly list of the most watched shows of the moment, Netflix also took these final days of 2022 to announce the TV series that were most watched on the streaming service over the entirety of the year. As you might have guessed given all the internal Netflix records they both broke over the course of 2022, the top shows of the year were Stranger Things Season 4 and Wednesday Season 1.
Netflix: The place to go to watch teenagers do spooky and/or nostalgic things!
Here is how Netflix says they calculate the somewhat nebulous concept of popularity: They track the total amount of time its subscribers watch a show over its first 28 days on the service. (After that, it doesn’t count. In fact, don’t even bother watching anything on Netflix once it’s more than a month old. It’s just not worth it.)
The full list of titles that follows ranks the most watched shows on Netflix from January 1 through December 18 of 2022. In other words, 200 million people could have all decided to watch Mike Myers’ The Pentaverate on Christmas Day, and it still wouldn’t show up here anyway. (Sorry, The Pentaverate. Maybe next year?)
Here are the most-watched Netflix shows of 2022:
The Most Popular Shows on Netflix in 2022
These were the most-watched shows on Netflix over the course of 2022.
This list only includes shows in English. The most watched international shows of the year on Netflix include All of Us Are Dead, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, The Marked Heart, Til Money Do Us Part, Elite: Season 5, High Heat, The Empress, Business Proposal, Wrong Side of the Tracks, and Welcome to Eden.
What was your favorite Netflix show of the year? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

The Most Popular Films on Netflix in 2022
These are the most-watched English language films on Netflix in 2022.