Jonathan Majors may suck as a human, but he is an acting tour de force. A leading contender for a Best Actor Oscar a couple years back before serious domestic violence charges derailed his career, Majors’ Magazine Dreams is finally being released with less fanfare—but if you are the type to separate reality from what’s on screen, it is a must see.
Majors is absolutely sensational in the drama, which has him playing a socially awkward grocery clerk and competitive bodybuilder. He is also lonely and has to fight to suppress a dangerous rage that bubblesjust below the surface, fueled by the use of steroids that are slowly killing him.
Magazine Dreams is much like Darren Aronofsky’s The Wrestler in terms of general concept, but with Majors’ Killian it’s unclear whether we should empathize with the guy or be downright terrified of him. It’s this complex line that both Majors and writer/director Elijah Bynum straddle so well, delivering a protagonist who is sweet, creepy, strong willed and meek all at once. It’s an incredibly complicated role buried under layers of muscle, and Majors flexes at every chance.
The movie isn’t as strong as its lead performance, but still is an effective drama nonetheless. While the third act loses some of the sweat-fueled steam emitted earlier in the picture, there is still a lot to like. The first act especially is riveting, with a powerful mix of sound, music, sweat and tears that glistens like every ripped muscle you see on screen.
Either way, Majors delivers an epic performance. He may suck as a human, but there is no denying that this is one of the most charged performances of the decade.
Review by Erik Samdahl unless otherwise indicated.