WEEK OF December 12 – 1 8, 2022
With the self-reliant Sagittarius Sun trekking through your foundational fourth house for another week, home is where your heart—and head—definitely need to be. This annual month-long excursion always inspires you to work your Virgo organizational magic in your home to enhance the peaceful, grounding energy you need to offset your hyperkinetic brain. But before you lunge into things willy-nilly, set some priorities to keep yourself on track. Update your to-do list—through tough-love lenses. Which items are essential and urgent? Which can hold till the new year? And then, the hardest part for your perfectionistic sign, which can you delegate—or better yet, delete altogether? When you do systematically go through the list, try something that might be a little different for you: Come at it with an attitude of ease and flow.
That may or may not be second nature on Wednesday, December 14, when the focused Sun swings into a slippery square with distracting Neptune in your relationship house. Just as YOU get on a roll, a close friend or bae may be in desperate need of the kind of emotional support that only you can provide. (Or so they believe.) Suss it out and decide how much help (if any) is appropriate, but do set firm boundaries—for everyone’s sake! If this is a true “bordering-on-SOS” situation, then you don’t want to leave them in the lurch or send an uncaring message. But if it’s more like, “here we go again,” this might be the moment you explain, with love, that the benefit they desire can only be gotten from their own sustained efforts. Let them know you’re here as moral support, but that you have full confidence in their ability to pull this off!
Before you think ahead to 2023 and start crafting your resolutions, take a little time to look backward and reflect on all the miraculous things you’ve accomplished in this past year. Too often we gloss over our wins and focus on what’s in the queue. But the next level of growth and achievement emanates from our current state of affairs. Acknowledging your successes builds confidence. Each time you pull off something impressive, you give yourself—and others—clear and undeniable evidence of what you’re capable of. And since you are a Virgo, you’re equally proud of how well you’ve served the people you love.
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This Friday brings a quarter moon in your sign that’s a perfect balancing point between past and future. As you think back over the past 12 months, make a list of what you’re proudest of—and it doesn’t only have to be about work! What relationships have you fostered and committed to; what have you moved on from that felt close to impossible at the time? And then, if you haven’t properly celebrated (and promoted) those successes, what can you still get a little “mileage” out of? Lovingly recognizing the high points sends a magnetizing message to the universe that you’re open to receiving more of the same. This quarter moon also reminds you of what’s most important in your life—and hint: It’s not STUFF. This weekend, reach out and let someone know how grateful you are for having them in your life.
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Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been ELLE.com’s official astrologers for over a decade. They are the authors of several astrology books, including their popular yearly horoscope guides, and have read charts for celebrities including Beyonce, Karlie Kloss and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books and online courses, visit them at astrostyle.com.